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What is Bausch & Lomb Vision Shaping Treatment (VST)?
VST is a non-surgical process which utilizes custom-fit shaping lenses to gently reshape the central front surface of the eye and reduce near-sightedness. It provides crips, clear vision throughout the day glasses, convetional contact lenses, or surgery.

Is this a new procedure?
Yes. Traditional orthokeratology (ortho-k) has been used for decades. However, Baush & Lomb VST is a modern ortho-k process whereby the shaping occurs overnight. This is made possible with technologically advanced lens materials that provide the eye with the oxigen necessary for overnight wear and high-performance, custom-fit shaping lens designs.

How does VST work?
Through precise measurements and computer mapping of your eye, we are able to create a custom-fit lens that gently reshapes your eye. Your shaping lenses are worn while you sleep, then removed upon awakening.

How safe is VST?
Rigorous studies have been performed in North America to document that VST is a safe procedure. There are also many other studies from around the world that have substantiated the sefety of the procedure.

Can my prescription be corrected with VST?
Baush & Lomb VST is designed to correct near-sightedness and a moderate degree of astigmatism. We will determine whether you are a candidate for VST by reviewing your prescription during a comprehensive evaluation of your eyes.

Am I a candidate for VST?
In general, VST is suitable for anyone who wants to be free of glasses or contact lenses during the day, and who doesn’t want to undergo surgery. While VST may not work for everyone, people of all ages are potential candidates.

How will I know if VST is right for me?
We will evaluate your eyes to ensure that they are healthy and that there are no underlying reason why you shouldn’t wear a shaping lens on an overnight basis. You will also need to have a prescription that can be corrected with this treatment.

Will I still have to wear glasses or contacts after VST?
Once the desired new shape of your eye is obtained, shaping lenses are worn on an overnight basic to maintain your visual correction. Conventional contact lenses are not needed. Glasses are also not needed, except if you happen to wear bifocal today. Then, you may need to wear reading glasses for your up-close tasks.

With VST, how long will it take before I will be able to see well without glasses or contact lenses?
Changes in your vision could begin as soon as a few hours after beginning VST. While the complete effect may take up to 10 days or more, most patients will achieve a significant visual correction level by the time they return to our office for their first-morning visit.

Does VST take very long? How many office visits are required for VST?
The eye care practitioner will determine how many visits would be expected in your case, but generally you can anticipate between 4-6 office visits in the first six months, not including your initial comprehensive eye examination.

Is VST permanent?
After the initial treatment and when the desired results are achieved, your shaping lenses are worn nightly while you sleep. This allows you to have clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or conventional contact lenses. If overnight use of Baush & Lomb Vision Shaping Treatment is discontinued, you can expect your vision to return to its pre-treatment prescription. The process is reversible.

How much does VST cost?
The cost for VST depends on your prescription. You will be provided with a detailed estimate during your evaluation. The fees encompass the eye care practitioner’s time and expertise as well as the actual shaping lenses.

Is VST covered by insurance?
No, this treatment is not a covered service.

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